Monday, 12 July 2010

Life is beautiful... but if you touch it you die?

I had a dream last night that I was on Big Brother. This is actually becoming something of a recurring dream for me... maybe it taps into some sort of deep, primal thing about being watched or judged. Anyway, in dream, I wondered why all the focus was on the poor people affected by Hurricane Katrina, since it would have been just as hard on the rich people who lost their homes too. Then I refused to do any of the tasks. I don't think I'd do very well on the real Big Brother.

When I went out to walk the dogs last night, all the overgrown weeds around the garden have sprouted gorgeous little delicate white flowers. I wonder if that's some kind of metaphor for life? On the other hand, the garden and moor are also filled with these beautiful deep purple flowers that are apparently highly poisonous. Depending on how I read it, I could extract conflicting meanings out of the blooming of beautiful flowers on the garden of my life. You're sending me mixed messages, universe.

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